Drying facilities are designed to remove moisture from cereals (which include wheat, rice, barley, corn) by evaporation, which allows their subsequent storage. According to grain storage technology, drying is done at temperatures below boiling point, under certain conditions of temperature, humidity level and amount of air.
The drying process takes place during the passage of hot air on the surface of the cereals through a cross flow, in the drying plant the grains become more and more dry, descending closer to the base. The drying chambers have special cone-shaped cells, which allow the air to distribute evenly and maintain the same thickness of grain subjected to the drying process. All this allows to obtain an optimal drying efficiency and an optimal quality of the cereals.
Air recirculation is achieved due to the large centrifugal electric fans, which ensure:
The physical balance between the grain and the warm air that enters, allows it to enter the collector, saturating the moisture at the top, without being saturated at the bottom.
Moisture-saturated air from the top of the tower is removed into the atmosphere through a duct located at the top of the collector.
The air at the bottom of the tower (the air after cooling, as well as from the heat generator participates in the last drying phase; it has a low percentage of humidity and temperature of 40-60 ° C, it is absorbed and sent to the second heat generator for re-heating and use in grain drying processes at the top of the drying tower.
The middle part of the drying tower plays an important role – between the depression phase and the suction phase is placed a renewal area, where the grain condenses internal moisture on its surface, which in turn evaporates in the last drying phase.